I miss this. I miss you all. Today, it's been a month since the race day. It feels like it was ages ago. It took me 2 weeks to recover from the race, beating the cold and replenishing my whole system... Now I am obsessed with the next thing. Another one? Absolutely.
I was thinking about writing this entry then I received the letter from Rover Rescue last night, then I was sure to write this.
It has been a busy month. I had lots to catch up with. I am so happy to be able to spend more time with friends and family. I think Vodka and Lilo are the only ones that are missing my training schedule. They got lazy and bored. We started rollerblading together but in Vancouver it's hard to predict the weather...I have been doing some other activities like rollerblading, snowshoeing and last weekend we had some spring snowboarding as well. But I am working on a new training schedule, let's see what happens...
I actually have so much to say since the last time. There is still too much misery, injustice and violence happening around us. Yesterday was the anniversary of the BP oil disaster... How can we forget the past so easily? Did we change to be better? The wars are still out there, brothers killing each other, Japan is still trying to heal his wounds while some people in the world talk about a royal wedding... I read that there were more than 10,000 people died in Libya. Where do we draw the line for humanity? A 6 year old in Houston Texas brought a gun to his elementary school and injured 3 kids. I remember learning how to write and read when I was 6 in Turkey. What do we leave to the next generation? What lessons are we teaching them? We all have a special responsibility: to protect common interests of humanity by any means. The future is too important to be lost under the burden of our mistakes and personal desires. But this is not defeat, I always believe in overcoming difficult times and I know hope begins in the dark and we will not give up.
"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." - Gandhi
Don't forget to expand your circle of compassion to all living things. Believe in animal rights and give them the gift of the gentle stroke of a human hand. Here is Vodka and Lilo, they're my family...
Now go out there, it's a beautiful sunny day. Take a huge breath and open your heart. Forgive, laugh and hug.
Lots of love to you all and take care. xo