Wednesday, January 26, 2011

53 days to go

53 days to go
R.I.C.E day, off running.
R.I.C.E is for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation

Dear Little toe,
What happened? Why did you leave me behind this morning? Get it together please, we have 53 days to train...
Sincerely heart broken.

Well this was disappointing. I started to have this awkward pain on my little toe yesterday, taking anti inflammatory helped but this morning went out and yeah,I think I am experienced enough to know not to run when there is pain. So I came back home and started icing :( I think Vodka got pretty disappointed coming back home after 5 min.

The other 2 pictures are from yesterday's hike as promised. They were so muddy! but so tired as well. I think not going for a run today is going to be ok.

So please donate for my cause to cheer me up a little this morning, because I really need something to leave this morning behind.:(

Happy hump day everyone.Love to you all.


  1. Oh no... sounds like a stress injury. Hope your toe feels pain free soon.

  2. Thank you Kim, I hope so too. So far it's better already.
