Saturday, February 12, 2011

36 days to go

36 days to go
6 am 16 miles solo long run

I decided to have safe and flat route today. So I did Gastown, Coal harbour, Stanley Park, English Bay and back. I am glad that I picked this route because it was just fascinating. The color of the ocean, all the ducks, birds, kayakers... I thought I'll need music this time but nope, there is nothing better than listening to the sound of nature.

I was able to run half of my run dry. Then half way point I got hit by rain and wind pretty badly. I think it's snowing on local mountains, they were covered by big clouds, and it looked pretty white up there.

I just can't have enough of the view of this city of ours. Every where I run, I see something unique and beautiful. My mom asked me why I dont run on a treadmill, how can I leave this view?
I saw this sea star on the pavement. I tried to save him but I think the seagulls did the damage. It was super dry and solid, I threw him back to the ocean, hoping that he'll revive. But I think I was a little too late. The seagulls are just brutal...

The race is getting closer and closer and I feel stronger and more excited about it every day. There are going to be difficulties in running in a different climate and weather quality, but I think having that many people to run with and the crowd is going to make everything worth it.  Shouting out the my friends in LA! Please come and cheer for all the runners on March 20th.

Thank you everyone with your continuous support on my cause. It means the world to me. I am so happy to connect with some old friends that I haven't been able to stay in touch with.

Today, call an old friend, a family member that you haven't talked to for ages. Go for a coffee/tea/wine with them. Believe me, you're not going to regret that text message, email or that phone call.
Love you all always. xo

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